The Ultimate Migraine Stopping Audio File

Listen and use your breathing to stop a migraine or prevent  one that is coming.

Use your breathing to stop a migraine

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If you suffer from migraines, this is how using your breathing to stop a migraine can help you.

Here is what you will discover inside:

The #1 Most important thing

is to use your breathing to calm the migraine machinery and stop the mini-seizure from starting.

A little known fact

is that the Prefrontal Cortex of the brain can exert control over pain and the mechanism that drives migraine. How to use your breathing to strengthen the Prefrontal Cortex

the most commonly overlooked

method to engage the Prefrontal Cortex to regain control, is engage in Coherent Breath

The cheapest and easiest Migraine solution

is to calm the body and mind periodically, using this special application of the coherent breath.

Use your breathing to stop a migraine

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