How Much Is IBS Costing You?

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a condition that affects the intestines. It causes abdominal pain, bloating, and distressing bowel habits. Doctors estimate that if affects about 10-15% of people in the United States—that’s over 35 million people! IBS can be extremely disruptive to everyday life, and it’s important to understand its true cost. Let’s take a look at what IBS really costs patients in terms of time, money, and quality of life.

Time Costs

People with IBS often find that their symptoms get in the way of their day-to-day lives. They may have trouble making plans because they don’t know how they will feel at any given tie. Flare-ups can stop an activity before you even leave the house. When you have to take frequent breaks throughout the day because of abdominal pain or fatigue you miss so much. All this adds up to fewer hours to socialize or engage in normal activities.

Financial Costs

Besides time lost from dealing with IBS symptoms, people with IBS pay higher medical bills because of doctor visits, medications, and tests or procedures related to diagnosis or management of symptoms. All these costs add up quickly and can put an unexpected strain on individuals and families alike.

Quality of Life Costs

Maybe the most difficult cost associated with IBS can’t even be measured—the impact on your overall quality of life. When you’re suffering from abdominal pain and other uncomfortable symptoms day after day, it’s easy for your mental health to suffer as well. People with IBS often report feeling depressed or anxious due to their inability to live a normal life without disruptions. This can make it difficult to enjoy activities they once loved or to participate in major life events.


The true cost of IBS goes beyond just money; it’s about time spent dealing with its symptoms and lost quality of life. It is important for those affected by this condition—and their loved ones—to understand these costs. That way they can make informed decisions about how to manage their IBS moving forward. There are proven ways to reduce the symptoms and even make IBS a thing of the past. Those methods involve calming the body and the mind to break the cycle of irritation.

Think about how much IBS is costing you. How much would it be worth for you to get rid of it, financially and emotionally? For personal help with this issue go to